Monday, April 13, 2009

The Roll

Midori had fun rolling last week after her new hair cut. The pictures turned out kinda cute and kinda funny and I have to post them. If for no other reason then a total lack of inspiration for any other topic. And because I love my pony and think she is the cutest pony ever!

Sniffing around for the perfect spot...

Going down!

Oh yaaaaa...dirt!

And over she goes!

Oh, check out that lip! Must be a reeeally good spot! Check out that washboard stomach too! Do horses get six-packs?!?

Ok, just about done...


Whew, that felt good!


And last...CHECK OUT THAT ASS!!!

My pony has the best ass! I like to grab it and pat it a lot. I give it hugs too.


Jessica said...

That IS one nice horse's ass! ;) Love horses can something that looks so graceful on all fours look so goofy off of 'em?!

Paint Girl said...

Looks like she is having a blast! I love how they get up and run and buck and kick up their heels after!
Midori has a very long mane!
And I don't know what it is about horse butts, a big butt is a nice butt!

Five O'Clock Somewhere said...

At least her hair is short and WAY easier to clean now!

I'm sure it feels good to get all those itchy spots they can't reach with their teeth.

Mom said...

That was fun to see. I should say she is in shape!!! Amazing.
Love Mom